Elisabeth Golubeva: I dreamed all my childhood

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Everyone knows the famous story about Kid and Carlson, in which the boy was very desirable to have a dog. Who Kid became, when he became a grown-up, history held back, but it is possible to suppose that the boy due to the love to animals mastered the profession of sinologist.
Child's dream Elisabeth Golubeva, the senior animal technician of the Crimean Republican sinology center of Synology Union of Ukraine, became a sinologist not by chance, but on the dictate of fate. — Simply I dreamed to have a dog, — Elisabeth Golubeva tells. — Parents did not let me, and housings terms for this purpose were not firstly. Therefore my first dog appeared only when I was 14. And little Liza acted how as all of dreaming about domestic animal: played and went for a walk with others dogs. So conscious life of future animal technician passed next to these clever home animals. —I’ve got the education of the designer, but it turned out that, living alongside with dogs, being rather mature I decided to change the profession. I finished instructor courses and became the international expert on dog breeding. It is difficult to name her choice of profession spontaneous, love to animals and aspiration with them constantly was on natural. And why not be engaged with I enjoy? Thus child's dream grew into the very real profession. The main condition One of the first and, probably, the basic conditionsof the profession she named love to animals. — Many people think that one is engaged in dog breeding money, they say, get fabulous money for . But salaries are low, actually people who adore animals and can’t imagine life without them go working there. The fact that Elisabeth Golubeva has five German sheep dogs at home can serve the evidence of veracity of these words. Not everybody will be able to keep such amount of dogs. Communication —I like most in this profession . Direct with dogs, and with people. There is opinion, that interests of dog-breeders are limited only by their dogs. It’s not true. Actually, there are rather interesting people. Besides, according to the animal technician, people who have home animals, are much kinder than those, who doesn’t have them. But there are different circumstances: some hold dogs not from love, but on a simple necessity — an animal executes some function only. But in general, in her opinion, a person who has a domestic animal becomes kinder. The sinologist is attracte not only by the wide circle of among like-minded persons but also possibility to travel. But most pleasant for a dog-breeder is the birth of new life. In fact, all of it takes place before them, under their supervision. It is a new heart beating in your arms, new life, new character, — Elisabeth Golubeva tells. — You can’t compare this anything. And for the sake of this we do our business. Difficulties Strangely enough, but in the profession of sinologist not only makes the work more pleasant, but sometimes and complicates it. Because is it is difficult to overcome such large circle of and understand problems of everybody. — Everybody comes with the problem, with the anxieties. It needs to give attention to everybody, hear out, not offend, enter in the problems and to advise something. It is rather difficult. And there are many difficulties connected with keeping animals, feeding. If before any person could keep any dog at home, it became far difficult now: animals are very dear, and their maintenance is expensive too. There is an opinion that, who loves dogs, does not can similarly strongly to love lady-cats. They say, all of people are divided on «dog-lovers» and «cat-lovers». Elisabeth Golubeva blew about this myth with lightness: — For me at there is a dream to have the cat. But because I have five sheep dogs — I am afraid to. Although there are a lot of examples, when dogs and lady-cats “become friends”. Sinologist told that was even, when people have a few dogs and cats living in peace. In the Crimean republican sinologycenter of dogs train with calculation on redemption of aggression. The sporting training directed on socializing of the dog, that it was not dangerous for people. Animals are taught to serve their owner, to guard him, but try to eliminate every dog’s aggression. — There are no bad dogs — there are bad owners, — Elisabeth Golubeva says. — Dog must be taught from childhood, and if you don’t want, the old dog do something, the puppy mustn’t do it too. They like kids. Amusing pets Dogs in nurseries have difficult names. That is so-called heredity. If an animal has genealogy, the name must correspond to the status. Therefore often ownerssimplify the task and create shorter names. It still remains a secret: how dog memorizes all variants of its name? For an example, the favourite sheep dog of Elisabeth Golubeva. Her name was Terenkhazi Dago, but everybody decidedfor some reason, that «Uranium» sounded simpler. And then it was required tj nave it more gentle — and the dog got the name Urasha, but it seemed that there were too much lettersthereand the German sheep dog was called Yasha. And the last transformation of the name was to the outage, but practical Box.
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